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          SCO to tackle economy, terrorism

          2015年12月10日12:16  來源:China Daily


            Vice-minister: Meeting will focus on urgent tasks in regional development

            Government leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will lay out "important plans" to tackle regional challenges including terrorism and the economic downturn, a senior diplomat said on Tuesday.

            Vice-Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping made the remarks at a news conference about the 14th SCO prime ministers' meeting, to be held in Zhengzhou, capital of Henan province, on Dec 14 and 15.

          文章關鍵詞:SCO;economy;terrorism 責編:王嘉懿

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            The upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) prime ministers' meeting hosted by China will witness the signing of resolutions and deals against the backdrop of economic pressure and terrorism threats, a vice foreign minister said Tuesday in Beijing.

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