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          China calls for international cooperation to fight terrorism

          2015年12月10日12:13  來源:Xinhuanet


            BEIJING, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- China on Friday called on countries to enhance coordination, solve their differences and take comprehensive measures in fighting against terrorism.

            "The international community should take solid measures to implement UN Security Council resolutions on anti-terrorism and strengthen their effective cooperation in cutting off funding to terrorists," said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying at a regular press conference.

            She said China is opposed to terrorism in all its forms and to double standards in fighting terrorism, adding anti-terrorism cooperation must conform to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and basic norms governing international relations.

            Responding to a proposal by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his annual state of the union address for countries of the Russia-initiated Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) to consult member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on establishing economic partnerships, Hua said Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping had agreed on the need to align China's Silk Road Economic Belt with the EEU.

            She described such coordination as "an important strategic measure to boost regional economic cooperation and achieve common prosperity" and said countries involved were already in discussions.

          文章關鍵詞:SCO;international;cooperation;terrorism 責編:王嘉懿

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